Blog 12 Nervous System Career

Nervous System Career: Neurosurgeon 

       An interesting career that has to do with the study of the nervous system is becoming a neurosurgeon. neurosurgeon is a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system including congenital anomalies, trauma, tumors, vascular disorders, infections of the brain or spine, stroke, or degenerative diseases of the spine. A neurosurgeon studies the nervous system extensively in order to perform their job. They remove brain tumors, spinal tumors, clip aneurysms, and conduct research and studies to expand the knowledge of the human brain. Neurosurgeons will perform surgery on the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves in order to remove tumors, relieve chronic pain and treat wounds, vascular disorders and diseases such as Parkinson's and epilepsy. An example of a surgery that a neurosurgeon would do is a split brain surgery, where they severe the corpus callosum in order to stop seizures in patients. By severing the corpus callosum, the body never gets the message from the brain to start seizing. 
