Blog 14 Nanotech Speaker
Nanotech Speaker
I thought that the nanotech speaker lecture was very interesting. I learned that we use nanotechnology every day and I also learned the importance and advancements that can be made in nanotech. I also thought it was really interesting that the nanotech speaker started his own company. The research he has done is very important and I also really enjoyed when he brought out the samples of the coaster from his friend's company. I had always seen those hydrophobic coasters on the internet and was always amazed by the technology they used and hoped to one day experience it first hand. It was really cool that he brought it out for us and showed us how it worked with water. I thought it was amazing that they were able to use technology and copy the way plants function by repelling water. I enjoyed the lecture and look forward to learning more about nanotechnology in the future.
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